
A place to share, discuss, and think about the wide variety of funerary and mortuary ritual forms found worldwide.Also a place to learn to deal with the death of a loved one, or your own transition from the physical to non-physical.

Location: Boulder Creek, California, United States

I am 53 years old, and single mother to two teenaged sons. Trained as an anthropologist, I have made the cross-cultural study of death rituals my personal domain. I've traveled the world, read all I can get my hands on...and it's still not enough!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Three Deaths Strike a Chord

I live in a small town in the Santa Cruz mountains, and summertime brings the tourists. Traffic gets more challenging as there's greater congestion, and many wine festivals and summer barbecues where beer and hard liquor is consumed.

In the past two months, we've had three striking car-related fatalities. Nonsensical, tragic - and unexpected.

What I'd like to say is this: if you love someone, tell them. Each and every day, as often as you can. You never know if you'll see them again.

Treasure each day, even when it is full of strife or sorrow. You are alive. That's such a gift. Get a good night's sleep, after eating well, and I promise, tomorrow will be better!

Love to you all,



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