
A place to share, discuss, and think about the wide variety of funerary and mortuary ritual forms found worldwide.Also a place to learn to deal with the death of a loved one, or your own transition from the physical to non-physical.

Location: Boulder Creek, California, United States

I am 53 years old, and single mother to two teenaged sons. Trained as an anthropologist, I have made the cross-cultural study of death rituals my personal domain. I've traveled the world, read all I can get my hands on...and it's still not enough!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sunday morning; almost 10:00...the good old fog has rolled in to cool off the day. I've been reading a wonderful new book, Against the Stream, by Noah Levine. This young man writes of Buddhist practices, as revolutionary practice. He brings the esoteric down to earth beautifully. I plan on using it as a teaching manual when homeschool starts again for my 17 year old. We've been Buddhist practitioners for years, although it's been challenging to make it relevant to my son's life. This book does the job!

What does this have to do with death? Not much; but it DOES have to do with quality living.

Living mindfully.
Living without needless suffering from attachments.
Living joyously.

And, in so doing, death becomes less important.

Love, joy, and deep appreciation!



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