
A place to share, discuss, and think about the wide variety of funerary and mortuary ritual forms found worldwide.Also a place to learn to deal with the death of a loved one, or your own transition from the physical to non-physical.

Location: Boulder Creek, California, United States

I am 53 years old, and single mother to two teenaged sons. Trained as an anthropologist, I have made the cross-cultural study of death rituals my personal domain. I've traveled the world, read all I can get my hands on...and it's still not enough!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sunday night

It's been a busy weekend here. I've been working on a new article, as well as trying to clean the carpets. Seems the house is "stale"...the heat (it's hot summer here in Boulder Creek...probably 80 degrees F....seems to bake the house and make smells more apparent. With an inside dog and a cat...we've got smells, no doubt about it.

My foster son came for a visit - wonderful boy, in his 8th week in an alcohol/drug rehab center. He's so brave; facing things "head on". He's my hero right now...and I know he's going to succeed at this hard job.

How's your summer shaping up?
When you have time, I'd like you to spend a few minutes thinking about how you define a "good death". This definition, albeit personal - has distinct socio-cultural overtones. I've been doing research for my latest work, and I'd love to hear from you. So post here! The opposite is also of importance. How do you define a "bad" death?

Make it a great Monday. It's 11pm here, and I'm off to bed.


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