
A place to share, discuss, and think about the wide variety of funerary and mortuary ritual forms found worldwide.Also a place to learn to deal with the death of a loved one, or your own transition from the physical to non-physical.

Location: Boulder Creek, California, United States

I am 53 years old, and single mother to two teenaged sons. Trained as an anthropologist, I have made the cross-cultural study of death rituals my personal domain. I've traveled the world, read all I can get my hands on...and it's still not enough!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Last Day of July...Where Did the Summer Go?

I know, I's not over yet; it just seems that the relative freedom of June was "a few minutes ago". Now, we're entering the last days of summer as school starts on August 29th around here.

I've got two sons; my youngest is 15 - and is a "home schooled" student. My oldest is now in a classroom environment, preparing for the rigors of junior college - learning how to take notes, and take tests...all the things home schoolers don't do.

In 28 days...summer is over for us.

How about you?
Are you enjoying what's left of the season with you family and friends?

If not...start!

I'm putting the finishing touches on a new article - getting it ready to go to my editor at the end of the week. In the meantime, I'd love for you to post on topics you'd love to see on You know what I'd love to write about? Let's are some topics I'm addressing:

Death Masks: a cross-cultural look at the use of masks in death rites

The Colors of Death: Where You Are Determines What You Wear!

I'd love to write about the origins of embalming; how our society uses the mass grave for paupers - are they less important than everyone else?

I guess we're unequal even in death, huh?

Remember, life is short. Go out, enjoy it. Try to have no regrets.
Be safe, so you can tell your stories to your children and grandchildren.

Until next week,



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